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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Bachmann Dufus Overdrive

If you like to poke fun at politicians, Congressional Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is a problem: she makes it way too easy.

First, indisputable facts:
Rep. Bachmann is a bona fide conservative:
Not that these are bad things. She has a set of core beliefs, and she legislates based on those beliefs. I'm not criticizing those beliefs. After all, many of my friends are conservatives. I was a Republican-type conservative, and still consider myself to be a fiscal conservative (unlike today's Republicans). I'm merely trying to make it clear that conservatives and liberals alike agree that she is a pure ideological conservative.

That said, I'm not convinced that she represents her district very well:
That suggests to me that she doesn't pick her battles very well. She too busy being an idealogue, not serious about representing the people who elected her.

Shifting gears, Rep Bachmann is a practicing lawyer (let's hope she only practices). She got her law degree (Juris Doctor) from that fantastic 4th tier law school, Oral Roberts University (note: U.S. News surveyed 184 accredited programs to get the information used in the ranking of top law schools.) Yes, that's the same Oral Roberts University Law School that closed a few years after she got her degree (so one could say that ORU's Law School is no longer 4th tier). Yes, that's the same Oral Roberts University Law School that sent its library and students to Jerry Falwell's "Liberty University." Jerry's "law school" and its students and materials were sent to Regent University.

Regent U. Law School was a favorite recruiting ground for the Bush II administration. They got people with "law degrees" from a 4th tier law school ... plus ideological purity ... and a healthy dose of incompetence.

Now the good stuff about Michele Bachmann:
The list goes on, but you get the idea (I hope).

I've saved the best for the last. As a 100% true red-white-and-blue conservative, she favors free markets and opposes government subsides. Unless, of course, the free markets are a problem for her business, and the subsidies are given to her business.

Why does the US government subsidize some farmers? The subsidies are used to prop up farmers who can't succeed in free markets. That's a fact, Jack. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. So what would a true free-market advocate say about subverting free markets with subsidies?

Data compiled from federal records by Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit watchdog that tracks the recipients of agricultural subsidies in the United States, shows that Bachmann has an inner Marxist that is perfectly at ease with profiting from taxpayer largesse. According to the organization’s records, Bachmann’s family farm received $251,973 in federal subsidies between 1995 and 2006.

Now for the quiz:

Michele Bachmann
() nut case
() a dense version of Sarah Palin
() Socialist
() Marxist (socialism for the rich)
() welfare queen
() hypocrite
() pretty, conservative, and a taco shy of the combo plate at El Cazador

Choose all that apply.

Note: I've cited very few references in the above material. However, you can do what I did: Google it, and throw out all of the unreliable sources and all of the unverifiable 'information.'

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