Scroll down an inch or two to get to the meat and potatoes of the articles.
Vegetarians can scroll down an inch or two to get to the tofu and brown rice.
Just for fun: watch the 2 lines of header above and press your F5 key

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


What I'm Reading These Days

Then after lunch, I read.....

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It's Deja Vu, All Over Again

The latest figures show U.S. housing prices in September took their biggest dive since 1970. The last time it happened
  • the Republicans were in power
  • the world supply of oil was in a constant state of crisis
  • America was embroiled in an unpopular foreign war.
Using history as their guide, experts say a recovery in the housing market is probably a few years off -- and will be marked by the return of "The Hustle."

-- Brad Osberg (©

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Monday, May 19, 2008


Not A One-Trick Pony

I've been replaying moldy oldies from previous years of blogging. Many of those posts have a political bent. Don't assume that my interests stop at politics. Over the years I've also written about technology. The following is the first article in my first technology blog.

'Tis better to remain silent and appear the fool...

... than to use poor judgment when sending e-mails and erase all doubt.

OK, most of us have made every mistake in the book when sending e-mails. However, most of those mistakes aren't good enough to keep repeating. Let's all resolve to do better this year.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Get It Right, Woodja? Part 1 of Many

Map of ORY'-GUN It's pronounced OR'-EE-GUN (or ORY-GUN)

It is not pronounced OR-IH'-GONE or ARE'-UH-GONE, or some similar blunder.

(or ORY-GUN)

Get it right, woohdja?

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Republican Anti-AIDS Program

Make war, not love.

Hey! It could work.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008


Did Bush Really Say Something That Moronic?

The other day George Bush tried to take a shot at Barack Obama by citing a Senator who regretted not negotiating with Hitler. Bush tried to imply that a Senator who was willing to talk to people whom Bush considers to be enemies was an appeaser.

George, George, George. You are so clueless. Someone should smack you upside the head with a reality sandwich.

  1. The senator involved was Frank Borah, a Republican senator. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president in 1936 and 1940. Like most Republicans in the 1930s, he was an isolationist who argued strongly against getting involved in the "unrest" in Europe.
  2. The Republican Party platform in 1936 included the following:
    Foreign Affairs
    We pledge ourselves to promote and maintain peace by all honorable means not leading to foreign alliances or political commitments.

    Obedient to the traditional foreign policy of America and to the repeatedly expressed will of the American people, we pledge that America shall not become a member of the League of Nations nor of the World Court nor shall America take on any entangling alliances in foreign affairs.

    We shall promote, as the best means of securing and maintaining peace by the pacific settlement of disputes, the great cause of international arbitration through the establishment of free, independent tribunals, which shall determine such disputes in accordance with law, equity and justice.

    National Defense
    We favor an army and navy, including air forces, adequate for our National Defense.

    We will cooperate with other nations in the limitation of armaments and control of tragic in arms.
    Source: The American Presidency Project
  3. In those days, there were many Republicans whose patriotism was at best, suspect.

    One prominent Republican Senator was not content with denouncing our war effort against Nazi Germany. He continued to do business with the government of Germany while we were at war with Germany. Among his activities was providing financing to the government that was killing our troops. Finally - during the war - the US government seized those businesses, over the objection of that Senator and other Republicans.

    The senator was quite wealthy. His children and grandchildren attended the finest schools and entered "public service." His name: Prescott Bush. His son and grandsons George, George, and Jeb became great leaders.

    Grandson George disparages anyone who agrees with those portions of the Republican party platform. Not only has he not renounced or denounced his grandfather's dealings (and the inherited wealth generated by those dealings).... he closely associates with Republicans who likewise deal with the enemy. As one example, Halliburton Corp, under the leadership of Bush 'associate' Dick Cheney, did business for many years with Iran. Iran has been 'the enemy' for 30 years; it was (and is) illegal to do business with Iran.

  4. For several days (or weeks) prior to this bonehead's bone-headed statement, his own handpicked Secretary of State (Ms. C. Rice) has been working behind the scenes to set up high-level talks with officials of (gasp!) Iran.

  5. On the same day as the bone-headed bone-headed statement, the Bonehead-in Chief's own handpicked Secretary of Defense (Mr. R. Gates) supported Ms. Rice and said
    "The United States should construct a combination of incentives and pressure to engage Iran, and may have missed earlier opportunities to begin a useful dialogue with Tehran, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said yesterday.

    "We need to figure out a way to develop some leverage . . . and then sit down and talk with them," Gates said. "If there is going to be a discussion, then they need something, too. We can't go to a discussion and be completely the demander, with them not feeling that they need anything from us."

    In the meantime, Gates told a meeting of the Academy of American Diplomacy, a group of retired diplomats, "my personal view would be we ought to look for ways outside of government to open up the channels and get more of a flow of people back and forth." Noting that "a fair number" of Iranians regularly visit the United States, he said, "We ought to increase the flow the other way . . . of Americans" visiting Iran.

    "I think that may be the one opening that creates some space," Gates said."
Shall I go on? Or is it clear that neither the Prez, nor his speech writers understand what's going on around them, understand history, have a clue, and see the irony in all of this.

And my imaginary friend wonders why I can no longer support those people.

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Friday, May 16, 2008


First Post of My 3rd Year of Blogging(2005)

The Blame Game Can Now End

OK, it's not really the 1st post of that year. It's from 2 days later. If you can't go through life not knowing what was in the 1st post of that year, look it up at It's the post named "Being There." WARNING: what happens at the end of the article is not a pretty sight. You've been warned.

First, some background: there is an organization called the The Presidential Prayer Team. According to its website, PPT is a nonprofit, charitable organization. The Presidential Prayer Team is not affiliated with, nor does it receive funding from, any political party or office of the government. You can probably figure out the purpose of the orgnization... PPT has a junior organization, PPT for Kids. The kids' website is very well-done. It helps guide kids toward the right path, using Biblical passages, news, advice, articles, inspirational statements, and much more. A key component of the site is the current week's lists of people and "things" for which PPTKids should pray.

Stay with me. This really is leading us to the real culprits in New Orleans.

On June 10, 2005 they were given clear orders to pray for Mike Brown.

Twenty days later, on July 1, there were specific instructions to pray for Michael Chertoff.

Do the math, and it becomes clear: PPT Kids' members had three full months to pray for these leaders before Hurricane Katrina struck on August 28.

Clearly the PPTKids either did not pray enough, or their measly prayer effort was not enough to convince God to enable these bureaucrats to save the city of New Orleans.

The little brats were too busy, and they made the great leaders at DHS and FEMA look bad. Not to mention that they encouraged looting, killed untold numbers of citizens, made people suffer from hunger and dehydration for several days, covered the city in sewage, prevented people from getting adequate medical care, and impeded the work of state and local officials.

The good news is that tens of thousands of Democrats have been evacuated, thus helping tip the balance in N'awlins and Louisiana for future elections. The bad news is that all of those angry Democrats have been sent to Red States.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


Why I Am No Longer A Republican

To Republicans, lower taxes masquerade as fiscal responsibility. Tax cuts, in the right-wing delusion, solve everything.

Lower taxes don't solve anything (unless you are part of one of the special interest group at whom tax cuts are typically aimed). Interestingly, good things happen after tax increases. I'm not advocating high taxes, but I'm pragmatic: go with what works.

Republicans have always laid claim to fiscal responsibility.

That is a myth. The facts say otherwise.

First, a quick summary

Now, let's back up the claims:

To measure fiscal responsibility, let's consider the change in the relationship between federal debt and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). That relationship demonstrates growth (or decrease) in the government's debt in the context of growth (or shrinkage) of the economy as a whole. In other words, when times are good, does an administration use that as an opportunity to pay down debt? Or the opposite? Does fiscal policy cause increases or decreases in debt when times are bad?

Running up debt:
What about jobs?
So... can we conclude
Taxes = evil
Tax cuts = sacred & honorable

No and No.
The facts:
  1. Increases in income taxes always immediately precede economic improvement AND lower budget deficits.
  2. Decreases in income taxes usually precede economic downturns AND higher budget deficits
  3. Budget deficits fall, and the economy improves under Democratic presidents
  4. Budget deficits increase and the economy nearly always slows (or worse) under Republican presidents
Let's face it:
Sorry, Republicans. Ouch!

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The First Post of My 2nd Year of Blogging (2004)

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Why I Am No Longer A Republican

My imaginary friend thinks I have sold out to the tax-and-spend liberals, to the terrorist-loving wimps, to the big government wimps, to those who prefer a sluggish economy.

I haven't sold out to anyone. I just looked at the facts.

Tax-and spend isn't the problem. Fiscal responsibility is what matters.
Terrorists are a serious concern. Who has the good track record in dealing with terrorists? Whose record is dismal?
Who really grows government? Who really shrinks the size of government?
Who wins wars? Who supports the troops? Who demonstrates the correct priorities?
Are you pissed off yet? Stay tuned... the proof is coming.

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Monday, May 12, 2008


My Very First Post as a Blogger (2003)

The first thing I wrote as a novice blogger.

For context, the nation was embroiled in a kerfuffle over whether or not religious icons and teachings belong in publicly-funded places (such as courtrooms).
Why I don't need a publicly-displayed
2 1/2 ton granite monument
to remind me of
what's right and what's wrong.

This is my simple religion.
There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.
Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
-- The XIV Dalai Lama

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Sunday, May 11, 2008


So much for the "Land of the Free" part......

"Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."
—- G.W. Bush, Milwaukee, WI Oct. 3, 2003

Um, Mr. Prez.....

We have attacked (without provocation) several countries in the past few decades: North Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Sudan, Iraq - to name a few. [ I did not list retaliatory military actions, including Afghanistan ]

We have developed more WMDs than any nation in world history. In fact, we have developed more WMDs that all other nations - in all of history - combined.

Therefore, according to you, Mr. President, we are not a free nation. In fact, since we lead the world in both categories, it would follow that you consider us to be the least free nation.

Don't you hate it when that happens?

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Saturday, May 10, 2008


Mortgage Crisis/Housing Crisis

It's all over the news. There are more mortgage foreclosures in the works now than there have been since the Great Depression (1930s).

My conservative friends point the finger at the people who are losing their homes. I hear things like "they should have read the fine print" and "if they're stupid enough to get into a bad mortgage, they're too stupid to own a home."

If only it were that simple. The fact is that there are many groups involved, each of whom has contributed to the problem. Let's consider the 'reasonable man' (or more correctly, 'reasonable person') concept in law. A reasonable person has done due diligence when assuming that the well-respected experts are honest and that proper oversight -financial and legal - is working.
A reasonable person HAS to trust someone. Yet, when one or more of the groups involved perpetrates fraud - the reasonable person winds up paying the costs.

Who played what role in this mess?
Anyone in groups a,b,c,d,e, and f can become a victim of fraud. Some however, are more likely to perpetrate the fraud, and some are more likely to be the victims.

Members of groups c,d,e are the experts. They are supposed to act honestly AND watch out for fraud committed by the other experts.

Group g is charged with keeping group e honest. If group g doesn't keep group e honest, the entire system breaks down.

Certain political groups are subsidiaries of Wall Street. When those politicians get power, among the first things they do is to gut regulatory agencies and staff said agencies with those same "Wall Street' types who stand to gain the most if given free reign. They assign the weasel to henhouse duty. The oversight that Americans expect and for which Americans pay becomes insignificant. Without a proper watchdog, the inevitable occurs: in the name of 'free market' economics, the crooks take over and wreak havoc - while pocketing huge sums of tainted money.

Groups d and e can pull off enough fraud to destroy the economy. However, it helps if c (appraisers) are complicit. C, d, and e in collusion, can rip off unimaginable sums from group f (bondholder) by overstating the value of the loans that are an integral part of the bondholders' investments.

If group c - appraisers - who sometimes do what less-than-scrupulous mortgage brokers and lenders want - they will report that properties were worth more than they were really worth.

Group d - mortgage brokers - do a fine job, but there's a serious potential problem. Brokers can work the fraud in both directions. Brokers can sucker unsophisticated buyers into loans that are doomed to fail. Then they can overstate values when convincing lenders to loan the money. The future problems don't matter to the broker - the broker collects fees from the borrower and the lender - and then washes his/her hands of the deal. The broker gets the money up-front. In a bizarre twist, the mortgage broker is the only one in the entire process who knows the full story... and the broker is the only one who has none of the risk.

The e group - lenders - are no longer your father's friendly neighborhood banker. They are still essential to the home financing process, but only as 'middle men'. Make no mistake about it: they do NOT 'hold on to' loans. They 'bundle' those loans and sell those packages to investors. If the lender is not paying close attention - or worse, with a 'wink-wink' - accepts bogus loan deals for resale... and then sells those mortgages in the form of bonds, then the bondholders are victims of fraud.

Group b - the "let's speculate in real estate and flip houses" crowd, have found themselves way overextended. When the economy slows, or when housing prices drop - the speculators go "upside-down" in their real estate holdings. If they can't make loan payments and can't sell at prices that enable them to break even, then whoever is "holding the paper" winds up holding empty houses. This always results in a loss.

And then there are the buyers. Experienced homeowners don't usually get caught up in shady deals. First-time buyers, however, are easier to defraud. They don't understand the true significance of adjustable-interest-rate mortgages - that when the rate goes up, they might not be able to make the payments any longer. They also don't realize that one cannot count on housing prices to go up forever. A sneaky broker can con them into thinking that the house WILL go up in value, and they'll be able to sell the house or re-finance with no problem.

Who's to bless and who's to blame?

Greed is at the root of all of this mess. Second in line, and somewhat related to greed, is the short-term attitudes of the players.
Also in the greed mix are the regulators - or more properly, the non-regulators. If the regulators made the lenders stay honest, most of these problems would be minimal. When Wall Street's politicians take over, the market system in the USA unravels as the Greed Factor sucks dry all of the honest people in caught up in this housing crisis.

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Friday, May 9, 2008


I Hate It When That Happens

It's right there on the tip of my tongue. Why can't I remember that? I know this! I know it!


Oh no! I'm having a McCain moment.

A Double McCain would be if I flip-flopped on it.

A Triple McCain? Deny that I said it the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth time - even when it's on film.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008


Better Living Through e-Mail

It's commonplace nowadays to send e-mails with attached files. If you want to piss off a lot of people and waste everyone's time, create text files in Microsoft Word and e-mail the Word documents as attachments.

It's not unusual for a 'mass-mailing' to become a mass-failing. You send out that Word file, and many intended recipients will get a file that is one or both of the following:
  1. Unopenable and unreadable because the recipient has no way to open and read a file created using Microsoft Word. Just because YOUR computer has Word installed, don't assume that EVERYONE has a computer with Word installed. Yes, I know there are ways around that lack of expensive MicroSoft crap, but let's face it: those alternatives are beyond the comprehension of most computer users. Trust me.... I work with 'most' computer users every day.
  2. Unopenable and unreadable because many e-mail programs have a way of buggering up Word files. I get calls about several times each month.
So you poured blood, sweat, and tears into that written masterpiece - and your message doesn't make it into the hearts and minds of your intended audience. Ain't life a bitch?

But wait! There is a file type that is universally accepted as 'standard'. That file type is "Adobe PDF." And how does one create a PDF file? It's easy.

The following assumes that you are using any version of Windows created in the past 13 years. There are similar solutions for Mac and LINUX, but Mac and LINUX users are mighty scarce. Since both groups consider themselves smarter than Windows users, surely they can figure out a solution without my help.
  1. Start with your already-written MicroCrap Word document.
  2. Process it with a simple, free tool.
  3. Your unreliable Word file is now a PDF file, available to virtually anyone who has a computer and an e-mail program (and an Internet connection).
The conversion software is Primo PDF.
  1. Download it from
  2. Run the installation program that you just downloaded
  3. Primo PDF installs as a "printer". To convert a Word document - or any other document - to PDF, tell Word (or whatever) to Print. A list of printers pops up. Select "Primo". Instead of using ink or toner, Primo just re-arranges the electrons.
Attach the newly-created PDF file to your e-mail.

Primo PDF:
Adobe Reader: (just in case someone doesn't have the Adobe PDF Reader already.

Yes, I know there are many ways to solve the Word-as-e-Mail-attachment problem. I was using, programming, and fixing computers before more than 50% of the world's population was born (really). The above is the simplest, most straightforward way to solve the problem.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Presidential Qualifications

Hillary Clinton:
  1. Has thrown $12,000,000 of her family fortune at what is, at best, a futile attempt to become US President.
  2. Insists that she is still in the race for the nomination.
  3. Will say anything, do anything to scratch and claw for votes/delegates
  4. Has shown that she will destroy her party and its presumptive nominee for personal gain
  5. Supports her party's presumptive opposition candidate to her party's presumptive own candidate
  6. Gleefully accepts endorsements from influential Republicans - even though everyone else in the world knows that the right-wingers prefer to run against Hill rather than against Barack. Hint: they might be able to beat her in November; they haven't a prayer against Obama.
If she can do that, she might be an OK president - if OK means playing politics as usual.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Ethanol - Misunderstandings (and John McBush)

In April 2008 I took John McBush to task for his unwarranted image as a maverick. Now I will correct him on an error of fact that he makes. To be fair, it is a mistake that many, many people make - even people who think of themselves as environmentalists.

Before he was a candidate for the nomination to run for president as a republican, GW McCain said "Ethanol does nothing to reduce fuel consumption, nothing to increase our energy independence, nothing to improve our air quality."

That was then.

But, in time for the 2008 Iowa Caucuses, "I do not support subsidies, but I support ethanol and I think it is a vital alternative energy source, not only because of our dependence on foreign oil but because of its greenhouse reduction effects"

White man speak with forked tongue.

Worse, his knowledge of science is faulty.

"ethanol ... greenhouse reduction effects". Wrong! Where, oh, where to begin?

Everyone take notes. There will be a quiz on this.
  1. Ethanol is a carbon-based source of energy. For you technically minded, its chemical formula is C2H5OH.

  2. ANY and EVERY Carbon-based fuel releases energy AND CO2 (Also known as Carbon Dioxide). CO2 is a major component of our greenhouse gas problem.
    • The "C2" part is the Carbon component of ethanol.
    • "H5" is Hydrogen
    • "OH" means that a part of the ethanol molecule is a hydroxide, and consists of Hydrogen and Oxygen
    • The nice thing about the H and OH portions of ethanol is that when burned , as in an internal combustion engine, the by-product includes water - that's the sort-of good news. The bad news is that water vapor is a greenhouse gas.
    • Much worse - in terms of greenhouse gases - is that when the carbon in ethanol is oxidized (when it burns), it releases energy and forms Carbon Dioxide.
    • In other words, when you burn ethanol to release the energy contained therein, you release two greenhouse gases. There is a Law of Nature that covers the topic. It is inevitable.

  3. Ethanol-as-fuel is a hot topic. But when politicians address Ethanol-as-fuel, they are referring Ethanol-as-fuel-made-from-corn, which translates into votes in the Farm Belt and campaign funds from such agribiz giants as Archer-Daniels-Midland and Cargill. They want you to believe that Ethanol-as-fuel-made-from-corn is a good idea, when the real issue is getting elected/re-elected.

    Ethanol-as-fuel is probably a good idea. Ethanol-as-fuel-made-from-corn is not just a bad idea, it's worse: it's a distraction from real issues regarding energy.

    In today's agriculture, corn is expensive to grow. From a financial viewpoint, it requires good soil, huge amounts of fertilizer and pesticides, and massive fuel-guzzling farm equipment.

    From any energy viewpoint, all of those items (except the soil) require petroleum to produce, transport, and use.

    In today's refinery system, corn is an expensive raw material for producing an energy source. It requires a lot of energy input, e.g., heat - to produce the ethanol.

    All things considered, it requires about 3 gallons of fuel to create, transport, and deliver 4 gallons of fuel at the gas pump. And - those 4 gallons of fuel do not produce as many miles as 4 gallons of petroleum-based fuel.

    That's just the tip of the iceberg. As corn production is diverted to ethanol production, corn is taken from the food supply. That causes food prices (and feed prices for livestock) to increase. Reducing the corn supply also impacts other parts of the food network. We are beginning to see shortages and price hikes of food other than corn. For example, if grain production resources were diverted to corn production, the price of wheat will shoot up; in turn, prices of wheat-based foods will skyrocket (you heard it here first).

    Ethanol-as-fuel-made-from-corn just doesn't make economic or ecological sense.
Do we need alternative sources of energy? Absolutely. BUT! Everyone needs to understand that
How do we solve our growing energy, dependence on foreign oil, and pollution (greenhouse gas) problems?

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