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Saturday, October 25, 2008


Proof: Green Is Good For The Economy

A major new study of the success of California's green economy tells the true story: a green recovery will restore the middle class, lift people out of poverty, and protect the planet. The study by economist David Roland-Holst finds that "California's energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007, while eliminating fewer than 25,000." Today, California's per-capita electricity demand is 40 percent below the national average.

Read the complete story

Read the study referenced above.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


Why I Am No Longer A Republican

To Republicans, lower taxes masquerade as fiscal responsibility. Tax cuts, in the right-wing delusion, solve everything.

Lower taxes don't solve anything (unless you are part of one of the special interest group at whom tax cuts are typically aimed). Interestingly, good things happen after tax increases. I'm not advocating high taxes, but I'm pragmatic: go with what works.

Republicans have always laid claim to fiscal responsibility.

That is a myth. The facts say otherwise.

First, a quick summary

Now, let's back up the claims:

To measure fiscal responsibility, let's consider the change in the relationship between federal debt and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). That relationship demonstrates growth (or decrease) in the government's debt in the context of growth (or shrinkage) of the economy as a whole. In other words, when times are good, does an administration use that as an opportunity to pay down debt? Or the opposite? Does fiscal policy cause increases or decreases in debt when times are bad?

Running up debt:
What about jobs?
So... can we conclude
Taxes = evil
Tax cuts = sacred & honorable

No and No.
The facts:
  1. Increases in income taxes always immediately precede economic improvement AND lower budget deficits.
  2. Decreases in income taxes usually precede economic downturns AND higher budget deficits
  3. Budget deficits fall, and the economy improves under Democratic presidents
  4. Budget deficits increase and the economy nearly always slows (or worse) under Republican presidents
Let's face it:
Sorry, Republicans. Ouch!

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