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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


And The Hits Just Keep Coming

In earlier posts (the Clueless in the USA series), I discussed how Republicans 2008 have a way of being, well, you be the judge:
A partial list of the stupidly misappropriated music:
There are several others that I can't remember now.

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Monday, September 22, 2008


Pavolican (n.)

pavolican (n.) A cur that is completely obedient and fiercely loyal to its master. It does as it has been trained to do: salivate at the sight or sound of anyone who has an (R-) after its name, and go into attack mode on anyone who has a (D-) after his or her name.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008


These People Think You're An Idiot

The Republicans are showing their contempt for you and for every American. Contempt? Hatred?

Yes. A resounding, loudly trumpeted "YES!"
And "How," you ask, "are they showing this contempt and hatred?"

They are trying to get you to believe something absurd, something that will convince you that their candidate is actually qualified to be George W. McCain's next melanoma away from being President. The candidate in question is John McBush's choice for his running mate in the upcoming presidential election: Sarah Palin, Alaska's governor for the past 20 months.
All of this begs the question: just how unqualified is that person? Is that the best they have?

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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Republican Anti-AIDS Program

Make war, not love.

Hey! It could work.

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Saturday, May 17, 2008


Did Bush Really Say Something That Moronic?

The other day George Bush tried to take a shot at Barack Obama by citing a Senator who regretted not negotiating with Hitler. Bush tried to imply that a Senator who was willing to talk to people whom Bush considers to be enemies was an appeaser.

George, George, George. You are so clueless. Someone should smack you upside the head with a reality sandwich.

  1. The senator involved was Frank Borah, a Republican senator. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president in 1936 and 1940. Like most Republicans in the 1930s, he was an isolationist who argued strongly against getting involved in the "unrest" in Europe.
  2. The Republican Party platform in 1936 included the following:
    Foreign Affairs
    We pledge ourselves to promote and maintain peace by all honorable means not leading to foreign alliances or political commitments.

    Obedient to the traditional foreign policy of America and to the repeatedly expressed will of the American people, we pledge that America shall not become a member of the League of Nations nor of the World Court nor shall America take on any entangling alliances in foreign affairs.

    We shall promote, as the best means of securing and maintaining peace by the pacific settlement of disputes, the great cause of international arbitration through the establishment of free, independent tribunals, which shall determine such disputes in accordance with law, equity and justice.

    National Defense
    We favor an army and navy, including air forces, adequate for our National Defense.

    We will cooperate with other nations in the limitation of armaments and control of tragic in arms.
    Source: The American Presidency Project
  3. In those days, there were many Republicans whose patriotism was at best, suspect.

    One prominent Republican Senator was not content with denouncing our war effort against Nazi Germany. He continued to do business with the government of Germany while we were at war with Germany. Among his activities was providing financing to the government that was killing our troops. Finally - during the war - the US government seized those businesses, over the objection of that Senator and other Republicans.

    The senator was quite wealthy. His children and grandchildren attended the finest schools and entered "public service." His name: Prescott Bush. His son and grandsons George, George, and Jeb became great leaders.

    Grandson George disparages anyone who agrees with those portions of the Republican party platform. Not only has he not renounced or denounced his grandfather's dealings (and the inherited wealth generated by those dealings).... he closely associates with Republicans who likewise deal with the enemy. As one example, Halliburton Corp, under the leadership of Bush 'associate' Dick Cheney, did business for many years with Iran. Iran has been 'the enemy' for 30 years; it was (and is) illegal to do business with Iran.

  4. For several days (or weeks) prior to this bonehead's bone-headed statement, his own handpicked Secretary of State (Ms. C. Rice) has been working behind the scenes to set up high-level talks with officials of (gasp!) Iran.

  5. On the same day as the bone-headed bone-headed statement, the Bonehead-in Chief's own handpicked Secretary of Defense (Mr. R. Gates) supported Ms. Rice and said
    "The United States should construct a combination of incentives and pressure to engage Iran, and may have missed earlier opportunities to begin a useful dialogue with Tehran, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said yesterday.

    "We need to figure out a way to develop some leverage . . . and then sit down and talk with them," Gates said. "If there is going to be a discussion, then they need something, too. We can't go to a discussion and be completely the demander, with them not feeling that they need anything from us."

    In the meantime, Gates told a meeting of the Academy of American Diplomacy, a group of retired diplomats, "my personal view would be we ought to look for ways outside of government to open up the channels and get more of a flow of people back and forth." Noting that "a fair number" of Iranians regularly visit the United States, he said, "We ought to increase the flow the other way . . . of Americans" visiting Iran.

    "I think that may be the one opening that creates some space," Gates said."
Shall I go on? Or is it clear that neither the Prez, nor his speech writers understand what's going on around them, understand history, have a clue, and see the irony in all of this.

And my imaginary friend wonders why I can no longer support those people.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


Why I Am No Longer A Republican

To Republicans, lower taxes masquerade as fiscal responsibility. Tax cuts, in the right-wing delusion, solve everything.

Lower taxes don't solve anything (unless you are part of one of the special interest group at whom tax cuts are typically aimed). Interestingly, good things happen after tax increases. I'm not advocating high taxes, but I'm pragmatic: go with what works.

Republicans have always laid claim to fiscal responsibility.

That is a myth. The facts say otherwise.

First, a quick summary

Now, let's back up the claims:

To measure fiscal responsibility, let's consider the change in the relationship between federal debt and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). That relationship demonstrates growth (or decrease) in the government's debt in the context of growth (or shrinkage) of the economy as a whole. In other words, when times are good, does an administration use that as an opportunity to pay down debt? Or the opposite? Does fiscal policy cause increases or decreases in debt when times are bad?

Running up debt:
What about jobs?
So... can we conclude
Taxes = evil
Tax cuts = sacred & honorable

No and No.
The facts:
  1. Increases in income taxes always immediately precede economic improvement AND lower budget deficits.
  2. Decreases in income taxes usually precede economic downturns AND higher budget deficits
  3. Budget deficits fall, and the economy improves under Democratic presidents
  4. Budget deficits increase and the economy nearly always slows (or worse) under Republican presidents
Let's face it:
Sorry, Republicans. Ouch!

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Sunday, April 13, 2008


Why I Am No Longer A Republican

There are several reasons why I am no longer a Republican.
My imaginary friend is stunned and demands an explanation. He, and you, will have to settle for understanding each of these one day at a time. Stay tuned.

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