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Thursday, January 14, 2010


So Who Is Weak On Terrorism?

Question:What do these have in common?
  1. 9/11/2001 - 4 Al Qaeda attacks using hijacked commercial airplane flights

  2. Winter 2001-2002 - a series of terror attacks in which the terrorist(s) used the US Postal Service to deliver biological weapons - letters containing anthrax

  3. December 22, 2001 - the Al Qaeda "shoe bomber" terror attack on an airplane flying from Paris to Miami

  4. July 4, 2002 - terror attack on the El Al ticket counter at LAX

  5. October 2002 (a 3 week period) "DC sniper" terror attacks

  6. March 3, 2006 - a terrorist drove his SUV into a group of pedestrians in Chapel Hill, NC to honor his role model, Mohammed Atta (one of the 9/11 terrorists)
  1. They were all terrorist attacks that occurred in the USA (or in airplanes bound for the USA).

  2. They all occurred while George W. Bush was President of the USA

  3. All but #1 (9/11) are conveniently forgotten by people who twist reality, hoping to get you to think that Republicans make American safe from terrorists (and that Democrats make us less safe)

  4. In each case where the terrorist(s) survived, the terrorists
    • were arrested as suspects in crimes (as opposed to being treated as 'enemy combatants')
    • were treated as suspects: constitutional rights were upheld
    • were NOT tortured
    • were tried in civilian courts
    • were convicted of their criminal acts of terrorism
    • are rotting away in US prisons on US soil

  5. For what it's worth, in all of the attacks but #2, the perpetrators were Muslims. In the case of #2, the case was apparently a low priority for the Bush Administration. Why shouldn't it be a low priority? After all, every one of the politicians who received a contaminated letter was a Democrat. Eventually the case was closed, unsolved, because the only person close to being a suspect died (supposedly a suicide).

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