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Friday, July 11, 2008


Get It Right, Wouldja? What's your "FOR-TAY?"

What's your FOR-TAY?

Forte is a word that has three meanings and two pronunciations. Most people manage to get them all wrong.

When one correctly uses "for-tay," it is a musical term that means "loud" or "forceful".

In all of the other meanings of "forte," the "e" is silent and "forte" are pronounced "fort."

"Forte" (other than the musical "forte") refers to one's strengths, those skills in which one excels.

The word has a violent, but interesting, origin in fighting - specifically, swordfighting and its genteel cousin, fencing.

A sword has four parts:

The hilt is the part that you hold: guard, grip, and pommel (and in the case of Italian swords, a quillion and a ricasso).

The forte is the portion of the blade that begins at the hilt and extends approximately one-third to one-half of the length of the blade. In terms of leverage when fencing and swordfighting, it is the best part of the blade to use in a defensive gesture usch as parrying the opponent's thrust. [ Look 'em up yourselves. It's my nap time.]. This is because the forte is the strongest part of the blade. Likewise, in human terms, one's forte is one's strengths. The musical term "forte," in its own way, refers to "strength."

The foible is the top portion of the blade. In fencing and swordfighting, it is the part of the blabe best used for the speedy movements used on offense. If a sword blade is going to break, it will most likely break in its weakest area - the foible. Like "forte,""foible" started as a swordfighting term and has become used in common speech. "Foible" is a weakness - the place in which people's personalities and actions are most likely to break.

The point is, um, the point. In fencing, it is the portiion of the blade with which one scores points. In swordfighting, it is the portion of the blade used to impale one's opponent.

To pronouce it correctly, remember that forte as in "for-tay" is a musical term. Otherwise, pronounce it "fort."

The point is that a very common foible among English-speaking people is the misuse of the term "forte."

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