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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Don't You Just Love Hypocrites?

Rush Limbaugh is the archtypical conservative: more bluster than action, manipulative, hypocritical.

There isn't a USA war that Rush doesn't love. He thinks everyone should help fight for his cause. Everyone but Rush.

Although he was prime material for cannon fodder in the Vietnam years, Rush was unable to perform his patriotic duties. he was declared to be medically unfit for service. Heart malfunction? Head trauma? Cancer? Nope. He had a pimple. More precisely, a pimple on his fat, um..... gluteous maximus.

It's called a pilonidal cyst. No one ever died from a pilonidal cyst, aka fistula.

In fact, a late friend fought in WWI. He had a fistula. While a bit embarrassing, his fistula didn't keep him out of combat. When irritated - like ducking into trenches or running across battlegrounds - his cyst bled. The solution? Well, Uncle Sam didn't send him home. Instead, the Army issued him a supply of ..... you look it up.

So in WWI a fistula earned one a hygiene accessory. When possible, the treatment is antibiotic therapy (not available back then), hot compresses, lancing, and application of depilatory creams (if an ingrown hair is involved).

In the 60s, this owwie was grounds for rejection. Keep in mind: he could have had the cyst treated, insisted that the Army (or Marines - ha!) let him in, and then shipped out to fight in that noble war. He let an outpatient procedure get between him and his patriotic duty. He was, and still is, fully capable of attacking anyone who has the temerity to question the value and/or morality of a military action .... any military action, whether or not instigated by our government.

Of course, among 'hawks' - pro-war (any war) loudmouths - there are many hypocrites like Rush. Think of them as Chicken Hawks. Who served in the military (and who did not)?

Don't You Just Love Hypocrites?

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